Tuesday, July 21

Tuesday's Community Recipes: Buffalo Burgers

Buffalo Burgers
Buy however much ground Buffalo meat as you need and make patties covered with salt and lots and lots of pepper. Place them on a plate and set aside.

In a mixing bowl, mix the following
6 TBS unsalted butter(melted)
2 cloves garlic(smashed!) I smash in a zip lock bag with a meat grinder
1 tsp ancho chili powder(or reg chili powder fine)
1/4 c salsa of choice
kosher salt (a big shake)
2 TBS canola oil
Black pepper(lots)

heat the above in a pan or in microwave to make HOT
Using a grill brush. Brush the mixture over meat patties as you are grilling on both sides using ALL of the mixture to add a yummy flavor to the meat.

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