Tuesday, June 16

Tuesday's Community Recipes:

Let's talk about Brussels sprouts! Who grew up and cringed when your Mom put them on your plate? And worse...made you eat them. I think Brussels sprouts were given a bad name and need to be given a new chance. Here is an absolutely amazing recipe that my entire family loves! Enjoy it & I would love to hear how you feel about Brussels Sprouts-After you try this recipe please. Oh and...Tuesday Community recipes has been created so that Lake Highlands residents can share all their too delicious recipes here for everyone to enjoy. So please email me recipes & I will post them on Tuesdays. Happy cooking neighbors!

Brussels Sprouts

1/2 package hickory bacon chopped into 2 inch slices
1 1/2 Pound Fresh Brussels sprouts
1 TBS Olive oil
2 Cloves garlic, peeled and diced
1 Medium yellow onion, peeled and diced
1/4 Cup Balsamic vinegar
2 TBS Butter
1 TBS Salt and freshly ground black pepper

saute the bacon in a pot on the stove. set aside.

trim off the stems and remove any limp leaves from the Brussels Sprouts and cut them in half. Blanch the sprouts in boiling water to cover for 5 minutes. Drain and rinse under cold water to stop the cooking. Add olive oil to saute pan and garlic and onion and butter and then the chopped sprouts...stir & add the balsamic vinegar, salt & pepper. And then add the bacon that was set aside.

1 comment:

PS~Erin said...

I tried this and it was very good!